Folk Costume

Teachers and students are all invited to attend the exhibition about Castilian traditional costume folk dance performance group of Tordesillas (20km from Valladolid). They intend to share their love and knowledge of traditional folk clothing and embroidery as well as to spread interest into this particular art form. Among the outfits we can see, there is the typical one from our region: Bonnet of gold lace supported by steel wire, and secured with a brocade ribbon. Skirt of fine red homewoven wool. Bodice and corset of black wool with gold galloon. Apron of black silk. Knit stockings. Shoes of black leather with laces. But there is a great deal of variation in the details and models for children and grown-ups. During the visit, some of us could converse and exchange views with needlewomen specialised in embroidery. Despite the current crisis, this traditional industry stays alive.We will keep contact with them.
J.L. Mosquera Center. 2nd-14th February 2015

El grupo de danzas tradicionales de Tordesillas ha invitado a profesores y estudiantes de la escuela a visitar la exposición sobre trajes típicos castellanos. Pretenden compartir su amor y conocimientos sobre la vestimenta y  bordados tradicionales así como suscitar el interés por esta forma de arte.

Entre las prendas que se pueden ver aparece el traje típico castellano: gorro sujeto con lazos y bordado con hilo dorado. Falda en lana roja acompañada de corpiño negro con bordados florales sobre camisola blanca en seda o algodón. Zapatos de  tela negra con lazos.

Hay gran variedad de modelos para niños y adultos. Durante la visita, pudimos charlar con modistas y bordadoras sobre el futuro de este arte que a pesar de la crisis sigo vivo. Seguiremos en contacto.
Centro Cívico J.L. Mosquera. Del 2 al 14 de febrero 2015.

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